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Studer, M., Liefbroer, A. C., & Mooyaart, J. E. (2018). Understanding trends in family formation trajectories: An application of Competing Trajectories Analysis (CTA). Advances in Life Course Research, 36, 1-12. [URL]

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Brons, M. D., Liefbroer, A. C., & Ganzeboom, H. B. (2017). Parental Socio-Economic Status and First Union Formation: Can European Variation Be Explained by the Second Demographic Transition Theory?. European Sociological Review, 33(6), 809-822. [URL]

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Koops, J.C., Liefbroer, A.C. & Gauthier, A.H. (2017) The Influence of Parental Educational Attainment on the Partnership Context at First Birth in 16 Western Societies. European Journal of Population. doi:10.1007/s10680-017-9421-9 [URL]


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Mooyaart, J. E., & Liefbroer, A. C. (2016). The influence of parental education on timing and type of union formation: changes over the life course and over time in the Netherlands. Demography, 53(4), 885-919. doi:10.1007/s13524-016-0473-y [URL]

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